Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Patrick saved Ir'land
Now it's just a big excuse
to drink green-hued beer

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! I'm wearing green and eating soda bread, but my days of spending St. Paddy's consuming pints of green-tinted alcohol ended many years ago - after some over-served laddie threw up on my shoes on a very crowded bus on the way home from the parade in downtown Chicago.

Hoping for some luck o' the Irish today, though. Really need it badly...


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Death & Taxes...

A bad day at work
is better than a day off
spent doing taxes

(Okay, I'll concede that this is less haiku and more bumper sticker... But still follows the 17-syllable format, so I'm going with it.)

Took the day off from work to gather everything needed for the accountant to file the taxes for my business, which failed last year. This is painful in so many ways.

Only good part is that by the end of the day, my messy office should be organized - and we'll be one step closer to filing our personal tax return.

Not looking forward to it...

Heading to work where
I'll speak to angry mother
Child lost scholarship

Today's haiku doesn't follow the traditional model of using nature as its theme. Instead I'm focused on what I know I'm going to deal with this morning. I'm pretty much expecting a storm of the human variety, so does that count as "nature?"

I've given the student almost a week to break the news to mom that the scholarship was lost based on failing 4 of 5 classes last semester. Mom kept blaming the financial aid office for messing up the financial aid award, so before leaving the office last night I finally sent the very angry mother an email explaining the real circumstances. Student, meet the under-carriage of the bus, because I just threw you under it.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Haiku of the day...

Fog drapes my city
but is quickly blown away
by its famous winds.

I don't know why, but lately I have found myself creating haiku in my head while commuting to work or walking around in 'the loop' during lunch. Not sure why it seems so appealing, although I think the simplicity and concise nature of haiku are so different than my normal life.

Normal life. Not sure what that means, either...

Anyway, my hope is that this blog will typically be more humorous, but will be a place for my thoughts, observations, rants, and possibly, the haiku of the day.
